Woot! WP Anniversary Today!

 | Photo via Google 

I’m so excited! I had a notification from WP that it’s my anniversary on WordPress today! So very exciting!

This is the super-cute little graphic!

 | Photo via Google 

It’s kind of short notice and everything, and I’ve totally found myself without sufficient time to make a proper cake to celebrate, but if I’d had the time, I’d have made a happy, rainbow cake. Here, have a virtual piece of cake. ❤

Mosaicake ~ Assembly

Mosaicupcakes Batter

It was so much fun making the Mosaicakes, and this is how I did it.

Rainbow Cake – Mosaicake
¾ C butter*
1½ C cane* sugar
2 eggs or replacer
2 tsp vanilla* extract
1¼ C milk*
2½ tsp baking powder (aluminum free)
¼ tsp sea salt
2½ C unbleached flour*
* = Organic

∴ Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C/Gas mark 5. Mix dry ingredients (flour, salt, baking powder) together, then set aside. Beat butter until whipped. Add sugar and continue beating to mix. Add eggs or substitute, and blend well. Add the vanilla and milk, and blend well. Slowly add flour mixture, a little at a time, and beat until it’s all incorporated. Distribute batter evenly into as many bowls as you have colours you’d like to make. Combine colours well. Fill greased cake pan(s) about 2/3 full. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until no longer wet when a toothpick is inserted. Too much browning will take away from the colours. Cool completely before icing. Enjoy!


1 C butter* 
6 – 8 C icing sugar
½ C milk*
2 tsp vanilla* extract
* = Organic

 ∴ Whip butter until it’s all light and fluffy. Add vanilla, and continue beating. Alternate adding icing sugar and a little bit of milk until the mixture reaches a stable consistency – no longer slipping off a knife. Ice your cake/cupcakes. Enjoy!

Mosaicupcakes Baked

I got all my wet and dry ingredients ready. ♥

Mosaicupcakes Batter

After the batter was prepared, I split it all up between 6 dishes for each colour we’d chosen.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

Several dollops of colour later, and two cake pans, the Mosaicakes were ready for a 30-35 minute bake in the oven.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

Mosaicake 1 – the bottom layer.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

Mosaicake 2 – the top layer.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

After they’d cooled, the cakes came out of the pans easily.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

I sliced off the very top of the bottom layer to make a flat surface. (No crumbs were wasted! My Elflings were happy to help with the cake bits I’d cut off.) Once it was flat, I spread a layer of icing, then popped the top layer on.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

I started with the sides, then iced the top last. That way you can fill gaps or fix bits that need it. Now it’s ready to decorate! 

Mosaicupcakes Batter

At the last minute, I realized I didn’t have any piping bags (/facepalm), so I improvised with sandwich bags and my decorating tips. I will definitely be getting more piping bags at the next opportunity I have. Sandwich bags have a tendency to pop.

Mosaicupcakes Batter

Here you can see the mosaic of colour. 

For cupcakes, see Mosaicupcakes 

Mosaicake ♥

Happy Birthday

I had to be super-fast to grab this picture! The colours turned out really well. We had such a great party today. Family came over to celebrate with us, eat some food, sing, and enjoy cake. Super-nice and super-fun. We also do an un-birthday for my middle Elfling, because her actual b-day is December 30. We do the same for the twinnigans in December, and we’ve been celebrating this way for 8 years. *happy dancing*

Happy Birthday

The cake before cutting.

Happy Birthday

Our spread of food. I made tortillas, black bean mash, guac, salsa, and tofu-quinoa taco filling for wraps. There’s some left-over, so supper is solved for tonight. Woot!