

This was my Grade 11 High School I.D. photo. It’s not gorgeous, but I wasn’t about gorgeous in High School. I didn’t really fit in very well at the Catholic High School, either. There was this one guy who had a penchant for acting threatening towards me when he was surrounded by his peers. Such bravado!

I remember one morning where I was running late. (I hated being late, but especially for school. I didn’t like the whole catch-up thing, and didn’t like wasting my time or the teacher’s. Yes, I was a little punk, but I wasn’t a total jerk.) I hustled up to the door, grabbed the handle, and just as I was pulling it open, this guy from behind me says: “Hey! You, with the funny hair. If I ever saw you in the bush, I’d fucking kill you!” followed by laughter.

I let go of the door, let it slide back into place, then turned my head slowly to the right. I looked straight at the little bugger. Raising my right, index finger to my forehead, I said: “Then you’d better get me right here, asshole, ’cause you’re only gonna get one shot.” After that, I opened the door and continued to walk through.

I saw that guy later that same day. He was walking and laughing with a friend of his. I looked at him and smirked. He literally blanched, then turned and walked the other way. Kind of funny, actually.