Day 27 ~ Post My Fave Recipe


Photo via Google

Day 27 ~ Post my fave recipe:

My favourite recipe is definitely my Cocoa Mocha Quenelles recipe. They’re rich and chocolate-y and oh so yummy. ❤

Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles - Redux

Every once in a while I like to re-visit my favourite recipes, and give them a little tweak. My latest recipe to receive an adjustment is my Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles recipe. I originally shared it on April 3, 2012, in a post called “Come to the Dark Side – We have Cookies! Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles.” My Elflings ask me to make these cookies if I haven’t made them for a while, and remind me exactly how long it’s been since I’d made them last. Their epic mathiness is well-played in this respect. So, without further ado, I will get to the redux aspect of our favourite recipe. ;0)

Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles – Redux
2 C unbleached flour* (wheat, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc)
1 tsp baking powder*
1 tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp cocoa*
1 Tbsp cornstarch*
1 C butter* 
¾ C brown sugar*
½ C sugar*
3 tsp En-R-G egg replacer
8 Tbsp strong decaf coffee* (or caffeinated, your choice)
2 tsp vanilla* extract
* = Organic

 Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5. Add flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and cornstarch to a medium-sized bowl. Stir with a whisk to blend, and set aside. In a larger bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until fluffy. Blend in egg replacer, coffee, and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture until well-blended. drop by teaspoonful (or shape into elegant quenelles) onto an un-greased cookie sheet, about 1″ apart. Bake for 8 minutes, or until lightly browned. Makes approximately 3 dozen. Enjoy! ❤

31-Day Blog Challenge

Day 25 ~ Minimum of 5 Favourite Blogs


Photo via Google

Day 25 ~ Minimum of 5 favourite blogs:

  1. Summer Solstice Musings
  2. A Small Press Life
  3. Doggy’s Style
  4. Pasta For One
  5. The Outlier Collective
  6. Northier Than Thou
  7. Naked Beauty Blog
  8. Megawitch
  9. Meizac
  10. A Clown on Fire
  11. Sophie’s Foodie Files
  12. There are just so freaking many blogs I love and stalk, I can’t possibly name them all for fear that I’ll leave out a bunch. If your name is not listed above, please don’t fret. I still love you lots and lots. ♥

31-Day Blog Challenge

Doping or Duping?

Lance Armstrong

In an effort to weigh-in on this topic, I will share my impressions and opinion here. This is my blog, I can do that. ;0)

This whole mess about Lance Armstrong really bothers me. I’m a Canuckadian, so it’s got nothing to do with nationalism. I don’t think he’s even remotely guilty of doping, and I do believe his statement about not using performance enhancing drugs. To be honest, there are such strict rules regarding dopage in competitions (ie: Tour de France), that the screening tests are so many, rigorous and frequent, it would be very difficult not to have been caught at least once if one would have tried to sneak a tweak in. Of the 7 Tour de France competitions Lance Armstrong went on to win, not a single test showed any trace of drugging or dopage. Not one. Why is he under suspicion now? It doesn’t make sense to me. Actually, it stinks of corporate offal.

Hold on…

If I play Devil’s Advocate for a second, I am willing to admit that there might actually be traces of drugs in Lance Armstrong’s system, but they’re not the “performance enhancing” kind. It is public knowledge that Mr. Armstrong has battled with cancer (his charity has raised some mega-bucks), and some of the Tour de France competitions he went on to win fell within a close-time proximity to his cancer treatments. It’s quite possible that any traces of drugs within his system were of the toxic, cancer treatment, variety. That should have made it harder for him to compete, let alone win.

Yup, I still cry bullshit on this.

I’m sorry, Lance. This whole thing is really bogus. For what it’s worth, this little Canuckadian blogger still believes in you.