Day 19 ~ What I Collect


Day 18 ~ What I collect:

I collect a few things, but I have a rather large collection (ok, it’s actually a horde) of wool from when I was knitting soakers for babies, sweaters, seasonal clothing, and commissions for friends, family, and customers. I love to knit for friends, family, and customers. Here are two things I have on the needles now:

All Hallows and Yoda WIPs

I’m also in the process of indulging a new obsession of collecting tattoos! Like this one, my LOTR-based script, “Not all those who wander lost,” tattoo.

My LOTR Tattoo

The cutest tattoo I will likely ever have, Baby Cthulhu.

Baby Cthulhu

Watch out for the Beast of Caerbannog!

Beast of Caerbannog

And my most beautiful tattoo, Elsa Lanchester, as The Bride of Frankenstein.

Bride of Frankenstein

31-Day Blog Challenge

Calling All Crafters! Wonderland Wants YOU! ♥

Wall-e and Eva

The holiday season is fast-approaching, and many of you have hidden, crafty talents that could make you a bit of pin money over these coming holidays with. Wonderland, a seasonal conglomerate of Crafters, is looking for Artisans of all kinds to begin stocking their wares early-September to the end of December, 2012, and possibly into 2013. Maybe you have a flair for drawing, or you love working with wood or unique fibers? Maybe you make the coolest, macrame bracelets, or you create magic with beads and wire? Perhaps you make your own soap, or you can sew amazing clothes or costumes? Whatever it is you create, if you’re interested in bringing it to a forum of commerce, and exposure to a wider market, no matter where you are, I’m interested. Send me an email @ veggiewitch (AT) ♥

It’s alive! …I mean finished.

Pink Hearses Purse

I’ve been making these reclaimed denim purses non-stop lately, but they were all intended for selling in my shop or other people. It’s been awesome! I figured I needed one for myself though, so this is the one I made for me.  My Pink Hearses Purse. ♥

Pink Hearses Purse

The flap is totally lined  with a super-cool Pink Hearses cotton fabric. I love how the tri-colour, patchwork strap turned out. ♥

Pink Hearses Purse

The inside is fully lined, and there’s a nifty pocket for stuff I don’t want to dig around for. ♥

Pink Hearses Purse

Here’s a closer pic of the coffin applique I added to the front-flap. ♥ *happy dancing*