Diversify and Sling Food?

Me, the Veggiewitch
2011-Current © copyright veggiewitch, all rights reserved

Here is an updated photo of me. Yay! Hard to believe I’m  going to be the big 4-oh this year. ROFLMAO! I like to think I don’t look a day over 35. *giggle*

At any rate… Many of you know that I’m an Artist by profession, and my main media are skeins of wool. I enjoy knitting very much, and especially love to see photos of the knits I’ve made on their wearers. It’s exciting, endearing and satisfying! I’ve found a source for fair-trade and organic cotton, which fills me with a giddiness I find hard to describe. I’m over the moon, and cannot wait to place an order and see where things go with respect to interest.

I’ve also been dreaming about cooking for people, like a contract set-up. I’m intrigued by this, and really appreciate my subconscious for stepping outside of the box for me. I do love to cook, and I know there’s a market for whole, home-cooked, Organic food. I’m just not sure how to begin or where to look. *think-think-think*

Loads of possibilities and endless ideas where to go with them. ♥