Day 27 ~ Post My Fave Recipe


Photo via Google

Day 27 ~ Post my fave recipe:

My favourite recipe is definitely my Cocoa Mocha Quenelles recipe. They’re rich and chocolate-y and oh so yummy. ❤

Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles - Redux

Every once in a while I like to re-visit my favourite recipes, and give them a little tweak. My latest recipe to receive an adjustment is my Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles recipe. I originally shared it on April 3, 2012, in a post called “Come to the Dark Side – We have Cookies! Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles.” My Elflings ask me to make these cookies if I haven’t made them for a while, and remind me exactly how long it’s been since I’d made them last. Their epic mathiness is well-played in this respect. So, without further ado, I will get to the redux aspect of our favourite recipe. ;0)

Cocoa-Mocha Quenelles – Redux
2 C unbleached flour* (wheat, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc)
1 tsp baking powder*
1 tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp cocoa*
1 Tbsp cornstarch*
1 C butter* 
¾ C brown sugar*
½ C sugar*
3 tsp En-R-G egg replacer
8 Tbsp strong decaf coffee* (or caffeinated, your choice)
2 tsp vanilla* extract
* = Organic

 Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5. Add flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and cornstarch to a medium-sized bowl. Stir with a whisk to blend, and set aside. In a larger bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until fluffy. Blend in egg replacer, coffee, and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture until well-blended. drop by teaspoonful (or shape into elegant quenelles) onto an un-greased cookie sheet, about 1″ apart. Bake for 8 minutes, or until lightly browned. Makes approximately 3 dozen. Enjoy! ❤

31-Day Blog Challenge

Day 15 ~ An Average Day

My Profile

Day 15 ~ An average day:

My day begins around 07:55, when I wake to give my Mom her 08:00 medicine. I sometimes have to fight the urge to crawl back into bed, and there are days I can’t resist. Once I’m up, I grab a glass of water with juiced grapefruit and lemon, then a few pieces of fruit (a peach and/or an apricot, usually). After this, I do my 15-minute yoga routine, and follow with my run/walk. Once I’m home, I get breakfast ready for my Mom and Elflings. Then I shower, shower my Mom, then my Elflings, and we all get ready. If we have to do any running around, we do that, otherwise we take my Mom for a walk, or play things by ear based on what she feels like doing. At 12:00, I/we give my Mom her medicine, and start making lunch. I may have some of what I make (especially pea butter and jam – YUM-OH!), but I prefer fresh fruit and veg and a glass of Mean Green Juice. In the afternoon, I sit before my laptop with another glass of Mean Green, and tease a blog post or two out of my brain. If I’m really lucky, I might even have an idea blossom for the book I’d eventually love to write. At 16:00, I/we give my Mom her medicine, and start figuring out what’s for supper (sometimes, I need more time/motivation to come up with an idea, but not everyday). My Mister comes home around 17:00, and we help each other with supper prep (he unloads the dishwasher and we chat while supper comes together). I eat with my family, and have a another glass of Mean Green. After supper, I load the dishwasher, run it, make another batch of Mean Green juice, and tidy up. At 20:00, I/we give my Mom her last dose of the day, and we wind down. Around 21:00, my Mom goes to bed and we all tuck her in. After this, I’ll normally sip my last glass of Mean Green for the day, and knit while my Mister and I cuddle on the couch to watch an episode of Dexter, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, X-Files, or an interesting movie. Somewhere between 23:30 to 01:00, I finally decide to go to bed (I know, I’m a glutton for punishment). At 07:55, my day begins again.

31-Day Blog Challenge

Day 12 ~ What’s In My Fridge?

In My Fridge

Day 12 ~ What’s in my fridge?:

I have many of the same things in my fridge as you all have in yours, like: milks (mine are all soy, almond or coconut); soy sauce; ACV (apple cider vinegar); maple syrup; bread; lemons; limes; grapefruit; oranges; cheese; yeast; leftovers; oils; onions; carrots; celery; kale; lettuce; broccoli; cashews; and a few other bits and bobs I haven’t mentioned. Mischief managed!

31-Day Blog Challenge