Crafting, Crafting…

Morrigain Crafting

Super-busy crafting, cooking, conjuring, and otherwise melting in the luxurious heat that has finally deigned to visit us schlubs in Calgary. WOOT! I’ve also been searching for Assisted Living residences for my Mama, who is adapting to life with Parkinson’s. In a perfect world, there would be a lovely little suite for her right here with me. Sadly, that just isn’t the case. In the meantime, I continue to search.

11 thoughts on “Crafting, Crafting…

  1. Russel Ray Photos says:

    When my wise old grandmother got to the point that she needed assisted care, I wanted her to come live with me. I was outvoted 3-1 so she went to an assisted care facility. Best thing we ever did for her. In hind sight I know that I was not qualified to care for her. By being with other people her age and interests, she regained her memory, her zest for life, her laughter…………….


    • Veggiewitch says:

      Thank you so much, my friend. ♥
      *squishy hugs*
      I’m not qualified to care for my mother, and although she is still quite independent, if anything were to happen, the best I could do would be to offer comfort while waiting for EMS to arrive.
      You inspire me, too. ♥


  2. texasdruids says:

    I have a dear friend who has Parkinsons. Her devoted husband does his best to care for her, but they are both in their 70s, and it’s becoming difficult for him to manage her needs fulltime. In order to give him a break, she has just started going to an adult daycare facility three days per week. I hope you locate a nice place for your mom.


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